20 November 2014 | An inadvertence of Time

Dominique Giroud's point of view. In its editorial of Thursday 13 November 2014, Le Temps claims that Dominique Giroud is the perpetrator of "viticultural offences". For months, we have been reading or hearing that Dominique Giroud is a winegrower who cheats and tampers with his wines. This accusation has been repeated so often that the demonisation of the Valaisan [...]

11 November 2014 | An oversight by 24 Heures

In defiance of the presumption of innocence, an article published in 24 Heures on 6 November accused Dominique Giroud of having "abused the Saint-Saphorin appellation". Dominique Giroud intervened and got the newspaper to correct its error in its edition of 11 November 2014, with the following text: Regarding our article "Winegrowers ready [...]

17 August 2014 | Chapeau

[et_pb_section fb_built="1″ _builder_version="4.16″ global_colors_info="{} " theme_builder_area="post_content "][et_pb_row _builder_version="4.16″ background_size="initial " background_position="top_left " background_repeat="repeat " global_colors_info="{} " theme_builder_area="post_content "][et_pb_column type="4_4″ _builder_version="4.16″ custom_padding="||| " global_colors_info="{} " custom_padding__hover="||| " theme_builder_area="post_content "][et_pb_text admin_label="Text " _builder_version="4.19.3″ background_size="initial " background_position="top_left " background_repeat="repeat " global_colors_info="{} " theme_builder_area="post_content "] In its edition of 9 August 2014, Le Matin Dimanche claims that Dominique Giroud has been sentenced to a "light" and "lenient" sentence on tax matters. The winegrower is taking action against [...]

9 December 2013 | First reaction from Dominique Giroud in Le Nouvelliste

Interview with Dominique Giroud Three days after the broadcast on RTS of a report whose defamatory nature will shortly be examined by the Federal Court, Dominique Giroud gives an interview to Le Nouvelliste in which he categorically denies having cheated with the St-Saphorin appellation. Dominique Giroud, is it true, as has been said in the media, that you [...].


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