16 December 2014 | Le Matin Dimanche refuses to correct an error

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Dominique Giroud has been cleared by the courts. There was never any Fendant in his St-Saphorin. As a reminder: Dominique Giroud has never been convicted by any court for his winemaking practices. In its 14 December 2014 edition, Le Matin Dimanche claims that Dominique Giroud has been "sanctioned" by the courts. This is not true. Dominique Giroud asked the editor-in-chief of the weekly to rectify this error. Her response of 16 December 2014: "We completely maintain our position. There is no correction to be made." Readers be the judge.

Picture of Dominique Giroud

Dominique Giroud

I'm facing a media storm. I've been wrongly accused of tampering with my wines to make money. Journalists have overdramatised and criticised without any nuance. In so doing, they have tarnished and perhaps ruined forever my reputation as an oenologist. Faced with these accusations, I have decided to publish my version of events on this website.

Readers will be the judge.

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